There were a ton of wonderful, professional nurses and doctors that helped us along the way to my first surgery. Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera when the accident happened. And, I was on a million pain medications. Of course, calls and gifts from our friends and family kept our strength and spirits high. We are very lucky.

This is my first orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Peter Janes. This guy is THE MAN.
Check out his credentials. He used to be a snowboarder. He has a pretty funny quote about snowboarding. Dr. Peter says, "you don't fall in snowboarding, you're sucked into the earth." He has a million publications on snowboarding injuries! How awesome is this guy?

This is The Team of Breckenridge 2010. Trevor, the guy just to the right of Brooke, told me he'd keep is stache going until I was fully healed. No one's told him yet how long this is going to take.
This group of friends really helped us during our initial days of the injury. While Brooke was waiting for me to come out of surgery, they brought her a Valentine's Day gift on my behalf. They supported us and showed us how important it is to have wonderful friends and family. Thanks, guys!
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